Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Open University - Results from TMA02

Well the first results are in and they are:
Art History - An analysis of An Allegory of the Vanities of Human Life - 13/25 - 52%
Literature - An analaysis of the Keats' sonnet 'When I have fears that I may cease to be' - 14/25- 56%
Music - Appreciation of an excerpt from Petrushka 'First Tableau: The Shrovetide Fair' - 12/25 - 48%
Philosophy - Arguments; valid, sound, and inductive. - 20/25 - 80%.
Overall - 59%.

Well, fuck me gently. 59%! I don't know how I feel about that. I reckon my Art History offering was worth a little more than a measly 52%. I looks like I just scraped through on that. Do you think that's fair? Look below at my post on November 1st and tell me. Did I not cover it well? And the tutor doesn't even know what a shawm is. She put a question mark next to it!

The music only got 48%, which is all I deserved. I was just waffling and repeating myself on that one, plus I didn't really study it. And only 56% for literature. It was hardly worth my bother, trawling through every web site I could find on Keats' sonnets. And then 80% for the philosophy question. 80% for a load of old bollocks! Anyway, in fairness (What am I saying!) I hardly studied at all for the thing so I suppose I got what I deserved. I'm hardly studying at all for the next one, wasting my time as I am here bitching about it. Bollocks to it, I'd better get off and do something.


west coaster said...

Tight on the marking! Too right she is. Please see my next post "Is There Anyone Listening?" for more information on my tutor. How did you get along with TMA03?
West Coaster

west coaster said...

Out of curiosity, how did yours compare with mine. I just mean generally, conclusions etc. I'm just curious to compare my approach to another's. If you like, you can send me an email as this is a bit cumbersome on this comment page.
west coaster