Wednesday, November 23, 2005

It's Snowing in Dalmatia

It's the kid's last night. He goes home tomorrow. I have really enjoyed his visit. We went to the movies tonight, to see Oliver Twist. I think he enjoyed it. It was snowing quite heavily when we came out of the movie theatre. We both liked that; snow gives a magical quality to a place, especially to this town which doesn't get a lot of it. We walked through the snowfall, looking up at the snowflakes falling earthwards, trying to catch them on our tongues, getting that flying upwards feeling that you get when all the flakes are rushing towards you. When we got to Kristjans we had hot chocolate, it seemed the appropriate drink.

We talked about great snowfalls we had had back home., how last year had been a white Christmas, how we loved it that we had a coal fire and could come in out of the cold wet snow to a blazing fire. Isn't that the most beautiful, loving, thing a person can do for you? To get up earlier in the morning than you and light a real coal fire, just so that you can climb out of bed and go through to the living room and see its heart-warming glow.

He asked where we had got our sledge and I told him how my grandmother had brought the 'Flexible Flyer' back from the U.S. in the nineteen fifties. It's not what it used to be but then, neither is the snow these days. Sometimes life is good, like tonight.

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