Tuesday, January 17, 2006

TMA 05 - He's Pulled Out The Big One!

80% for TMA05! Can you believe it? It's true dear blog readers. I have surpassed my own highest expectations and now sit astride an average of (let me see, times that, divided by thingy) 68%! Now I know you all knew I had it in me but I have to say I'm chuffed to bits with this mark. It just goes to show, there's the odd little nugget among the dross. And it does give one a boost for the work ahead. The next modules are on religion; bring it on.

Actually the next modules are intriguing and, given the time to concentrate, I should find them interesting. Unfortunately (getting my excuses in early) I am travelling to Trieste tomorrow and I'll be there until maybe middle of next week, which means that work will be getting in the way. It's almost impossible for me to sit down and study in a city that's new to me. The least I'll have to do is find out where the Irish pub/s is/are. All in the pursuit of the my ancillary studies in social anthropology of course. I'll keep you posted.


Buggles Balham High Road said...

Excellent! Well done! I can tell your well pleased with that result.

Enjoy Trieste ;-)

Buggles Balham High Road said...

Meant to say that in all my TMAs on every OU course I start badly, peak half way through and then go downhill again.

I think I'm always tired at the end of a course and often going away on holiday a couple of weeks before the ECA (I don't/won't do exams)so rush just anything in and marks usually take a dip.

Although for DD304 2005 I got my best mark for my ECA which certainly pleasantly surprised me.

bluefluff said...

Well done! :-)
Dr Clench is a darn sight more efficient than me, I have to say. My students' offerings are a way off being marked yet.

west coaster said...

Thank you all. Thank you, thank you (bows deeply with self-satisfied smirk on face).