Saturday, January 07, 2006

Charles Kennedy Resigns.

So Charles Kennedy has resigned. While this is some kind of a sad conclusion to his reign as leader of the Liberal Party it is also an important waypoint in his battle with alcoholism. And in the end that is the more important matter. I believe that he was doing himself and his family no good by trying to cling on to a position which could only bring more pressure on him, and thus increase the likelihood that drink would regain the upper hand. When it comes down to it there is every reason for those closest to alcoholics to be pessimistic about a successful outcome in their fight against the demon drink. I have witnessed at close hand the losing battle, over a long long number of years, of a close relation against alcohol addiction, and it is totally demoralising to be close to such relentless self-destruction. There are, of course, those who do prevail and I fervently hope that Charles Kennedy will be one of those.

It is not entirely surprising that Charles Kennedy tried to live up to what he saw as his duty to the party. I believe he is that rarest of politicians, a man of great integrity, and therefore he put his party before self. It was a mistake, but that is in the nature of the illness he is fighting. Lack of judgement comes hand in hand with alcohol addiction. Now that he has made his decision I hope that the press and the public will give him credit for his bravery and his integrity, and the space to find some healing. And let us not forget the quality of the man. He has been a Member of Parliament since he was 23 years old. He is yet only forty six. He'll be back.


iLL Man said...

The problem I have is that there was a hidden agenda. The alcoholism was just a convenient hook on which to hang Kennedy. The real issue at stake is the direction of the Lib Dems from here on. They have, in my opinion, shat themselves over the emergence of "New Tory". Elements of the party want to go hard right to meet this challenge and that of New Labour. On the other hand, it would seem Ming Campbell has simply had enough of waiting in the wings and has decided now is the time to make his bid for leadership.

Anonymous said...

Amen to that. Sad that they shelved a good man because of "image"