Friday, April 07, 2006

Carnaptious ..

.. is a fine word. It's an old Scottish expression that means grumpy, but something slightly different from just grumpy. There's a sharp edge to it, as if it's someone who's slightly high pitched, shrill. It would suit someone with a beaky nose and a pointed chin. Now I have been characterised as carnaptious once or twice and, I dare say, that was fair comment in whatever the circ's were at the time, although I don't have a beaky nose and pointed chin. We can't be sweetness and light all the time, especially if we are Scottish. It's inbred, this dourness (and if there is anyone out there who pronounces dour as "dower" I'm going to have to give you a slap. It rhymes with whore).

So why do you need to know this? Well, no reason really. I've just submitted my latest Tutor Marked Assignment and it was crap. Capital C, capital R, capital AP. I really did not have a lot of excuses. I did beg for a few days deferral as I was so busy travelling and such, and I got the few days grace. But I was ill prepared. So I'm pissed off, and if you meet up with me in the next few days you might find yourself asking - What's up with that carnaptious old git?
On the other hand you might see me sipping a pina colada on someone's balcony declaiming to all and sundry on the foolishness of people who worry too much. Why can't people be more relaxed, and so on. My guess is the latter.


Lilly said...

Carnaptious! What a fantastic word -- thanks for teaching me that one. I am always trying to expand my unimpressive vocabulary. Now I know exactly what my better half means if he ever refers to me as carnaptious! He's Scottish too, you see.....

Unknown said...

I wanted to stop by and say hello! Sorry for not being able to stop by and read your posts more but live got crazy busy. I think you are right about not just filling up space but using your blog for a creative space. I think that as bloggers we often feel pressured to post something for the sake of posting something but that is not a good way to go about things. Keep up your good work, i enjoy stopping by. Rebecca