Saturday, October 15, 2005

A Night In

It's a quiet night for me tonight. Last night was just too much; too much hilarity, too much jollification and too much drink. It started off as a civilised dinner at the Masline restaraunt off Marmontove with English John and The Writer, after which we de-camped to Kristijan's caffe-bar for a gargle. We've been in the habit of going there on a Friday night for a while and we recently met The Ollie there, so it was not a surprise to meet him again last night. It was a very pleasant evening with much friendly banter. I learned a new card game called Shithead and, coincidentally, my head felt like shit this morning, so I wonder if it had anything to do with playing cards.

I have spent the afternoon in trying to apply myself to Block 1 of An Introduction To The Humanities. I'm late into this and trying to catch up is difficult. Today I was reading about form and space in painting and perspective. I did find it somewhat interesting but I'll need to take it up again tonight in bed just to try and get more of it out of the way. This part I'm doing now should have been completed two weeks ago.

My studies were interspersed with visits to the kitchen while I made an enormous pot of soup. I like to make a lot and I can live off soup for dinner for the next week or so. Then I also had to sit mindlessly in front of the telly from time to time. My concentration span needs to improve if I'm going to achieve anything with the OU. I'm also learning a little more about blogging which is evidenced by the appearance of hot links on the page. I feel rather proud of myself.

There's a game of football planned for tomorrow. Dare I try it? It might be flirting with a coronary. We'll see.

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